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Project by FuGa_ Officina dell’Architettura
Architect Francesco Ursitti
Bottega Immagine, Centro Fotografia Milano
Private Assignment, Milan, Italy, 2017
Engineering Enrico Bandello
Photographer Stefano Bernardoni

Microutopia is a piece of city, a small village, with roads, alleys, staircases, little stairs, squares, gardens and houses.
Microutopia is a village for living, working, chilling out, showing, testing, meeting …
Microutopia is a village for social crossbreeding, a bidonville for surviving, in whom precious melting pot you can always have the pleasure to engage in new relationships.
Microutopia is the innate space of the urban subsystem, that goes beyond the stiffness of the structure and heads to an architecture that is enzymatic, weak, limitless and fluid in its functioning, but spread in small urban neighborhouds.
Microutopia is a rarefied, imperfect, yet incomplete, elastic and reversibile fence, that directly answers to the changing requests of a reformist community, who continuously reworks its social and territorial layout.
Microutopia comes from a dismissed place and keeps reworking, in an incessant cycle of spatial, formal and functional transformation, integrating in the territorial transformation processes.
Microutopia is an architecture not defined by closed borders, but by open filters.
It is a conceptual, non-figurative architecture, that corresponds to a condition, to a social condition, better than to a place.
Microutopia is no more a place to look to, is an experiential place. A flow of unlimited exchanges, a market of actions and balances. A hybrid place, a big lab. A place that never comes to conclusion, but is always existing, without programs, interchangeable in its part.
Microutopia is an educational architecture, able to free the artistic potentialities of an individual.
It’s a protective, familiar, efficient and self-sufficient place.
Microutopia is a school, a lab, an art gallery, a theater, a garden, a square, an office, a museum, a courtyard, a house …